September 11, 2009 journal, I wonder if Cheney can still pull off another nine one one. So far he has gotten away with the last one and Halliburton has gotten so much richer. The League of corporations stick together to protect each other in their rip-off of the American taxpayers which is tantamount to slavery in its worst experiences of death. Deplorable corporations have no heart and no mercy on the working class of people. They are fully protected by Congress & trying to get better protection from Congress. Congress don't protect the people, they protect the corporations that donate to them. Republicans suddenly want to read this bill and they should but they never did read any bills under the Chen*ey B*us*h awful administration of totalitarian torturing barbarians. Almost no congressman can stand the light of day on their sneaky secret collaborations'. Now the fat lady has done sung and the band is playing on the after deck of the Titanic. Just as that great big unsinkable ship went down in 1912 this country will split apart and go to the bottom like them tall towers. Babel the great is fallen, Babylon the great fallen. The Republican rebuttal by Rep. Lord Charles Boustany said little except to start over. Rep. Joe Wilson of Columbia gets half million from the health care industry. The History Channel tonight on prophecies showed the Mayan calendar of the Indians natives in Central and South America predicted thousands of years before a Catholic priest set time as A.D. & B.C. about 1200 A.D. that the world would end December 21, 2012 the same as Jack Van Impe uses. They showed the Chinese calendar ending also at December 21, 2012. The American Indian in 1890, he predicted the same. The Mayan did not necessarily predict the end of the world but their calendar ended at 2012 and most likely these people never communicated with each other while numerous others have also predicted the same according to the History Channel on television. My honest personal predictions are that it will happen even sooner. This last empire is disintegrating already. Just keep on taking blood money from the bloody insurance industry Joe you think. U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson is what they term as a redneck rose to fame in 2 words in one night "You Lie". The black community is taking this as a major insult and as rebuke. The new health bill actually does say that but there are still several versions of it while the illegal aliens have always gotten free medical and if they still lived in Mexico it would be almost free. Anyone can walk into a hospital or medical clinic in Mexico and get treated with no questions asked and no records made. Joe Wilson would have us all to present a birth certificate at the doorway of a hospital or medical clinic and that would be a sad day. Who is going to turn away a patient with the flu or a woman having a baby? The law says they must treat everyone and doctors are not immigration officials. Too much is being made of the illegal immigration issue. We are all alien immigrants in one way or another. We can say goodbye to organized medicine & atheistic education because it is bankrupt. It is back to scratch for costly government services. Read my September 12th journal. I am sure Joe Wilson was preprogramed to shout out "you lie" during the President speak and even if it was a lie, one lie does not compare to the 4500 reported lies the Bu*sh and Cheney administration told just on the Iraqi war situation alone. That is one lie for every dead soldier not to mention the million + Iraqis dead included men, women and children. 3000 dead from the towers blast and thousands more are dying from the contaminated air. Thousands of lies told by the B*us*h administration yet not one Democrat shouted out. The war in Afghanistan has also been lost and even the Madam Speaker of the House of Representatives now is saying America come home. Others are saying enough is enough.